RMS and Cost Allocation Services

DSN, has extensive experience creating and maintaining cost allocation plans, indirect cost plans and indirect rate studies. Accurate cost allocation and an in-depth knowledge of our clients’ business operations is the key to maximization and protection of federal revenue. In the constantly shifting landscape of federal claiming, we can provide the needed deliverables and guidance to ensure your administrative federal recoveries are fully recognized. DSN’s experience and reputation are invaluable assets for cost plan negotiation and federal approval.

In creating a cost allocation plan and a federal claiming process for a state child welfare agency, DSN staff must develop an intimate knowledge of the entire organizational structure and operations of the agency. This includes the functions performed by each unit and division of the agency and acquiring a comprehensive understanding of the agency’s policy and procedures. Staff members must identify which functions are support activities versus those allowable activities that may be directly charged to a federal program. DSN must define the populations and sub-populations of clients served by the agency in order to ensure that allowable activities are being provided to eligible clients. Personnel must determine every function performed by child protection staff, intact family caseworkers, and out of home caseworkers during the life cycle of a case. This information is utilized in developing a Random Moment Time Study for calculating the claimable cost of these workers under the appropriate funding sources.

Learn more about DSN and how our solutions can improve your organization.

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The Six Sigma team appreciates the perseverance of the DSN team to deliver by finding alternative solutions to the changes in program scope. On behalf of our team, I would like to thank DSN for their efforts and look forward to the production release of the second generation of software. We look forward to seeing the benefits of the software in terms of efficiency and data accuracy.

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